The Circular Real Estate Awards

On December 1, 2021, at the Climate Academy, Upcyclea and its partners launched the Circular Real Estate Trophies, which will allow developers and MOAs who wish to meet the climate challenge to demonstrate their environmental and social commitments.

Applicants will be able to choose an SDP of 1500 m2 minimum, and eco-design it in circular economy according to the material bank concept.

These projects may be existing or ongoing, new or renovated buildings, or renovated spaces, whose circular signature will be established according to 4 indicators measured automatically by the myUpcyclea software: carbon footprint, health level, degree of circularity and reuse rate, residual economic value.

Entries are open from December 1, 2021 until February 28, 2022, and the trophies will be awarded in December 2022 at the Climate Academy where the projects will be displayed.

The conditions of participation and selection, the categories of trophies, as well as the explanation of the concepts used, are detailed in the rules below

Article 0

In France, a poorly designed building contributes to 70% of waste, excessive GHG emissions (33%), high consumption of raw materials (35%) and polluted indoor air (7 to 8 times more than outdoor air). More than 75% of the components of a building are replaced during its life, some of them several times.

But if a building is conceived as an ecosystem that sees its resource flows revalued in adapted channels, via reuse or upcycling, then the products and materials that make it up never become waste, or even become a source of income for their owner. Having positive impacts on health, the environment and the economy is the promise of the circular economy.

When applied to building, the principles of the circular economy imply two things:

  • Upstream, eco-design the building according to the “material bank” concept,
  • Downstream, during the operating phase, manage the building’s resources so that they can be reused or upcycled at the end of their use (Resource Management).

This challenge of the Circular Real Estate Awards is an opportunity to show that many developers and contractors are now part of this new wave of real estate players who are building a better world [avec un climat].

Article 1

The organizers of the Circular Real Estate Awards challenge are
the Climate
du Climat

Article 2

The application form for the challenge must be completed online and validated no later than February 28, 2022 (midnight) on the website :


Article 3

These Trophies are open to any legal entity (referred to in these rules as a “candidate”), without restriction. Participation in these Awards implies full acceptance of these rules by the candidate.

Article 4

The Circular Real Estate Trophies will distinguish the real estate developers and owners whose projects have – due to their eco-design, the products used, and the reuse and upcycling strategies implemented – the best circular signatures (as defined in article 18).

Article 5

Any applicant may submit as many projects as it wishes, without limitation, subject to the provisions of Section 6. These projects will have to have a minimum SDP of 1500 m2, and be eco-designed in circular economy according to the concept “material bank” defined in article 18. These may be existing or ongoing projects, new or rehabilitated buildings, or renovated spaces, which will be assessed according to
circular signature
according to 4 indicators measured automatically by the myUpcyclea software: carbon footprint, health level, degree of circularity and reuse rate, residual economic value.

Article 6

To participate in the trophies, candidates must pay a registration fee proportional to the PLS for which they are applying. These fees are
0,5 €HT per m
of SDP
(with a minimum of 1 500 m2), payable at the time of registration. They include the subscription to the myUpcyclea software for the entire duration of the project (including delivery beyond the 2022 Awards date), training and support for the myUpcyclea functions required for the Awards, as well as the issuance by Upcyclea of the official circular signature certificate required for the selection process.

If the applicant is already a subscriber to myUpcyclea for the project(s) for which he/she is applying, he/she will not need to pay a registration fee.

Article 7

several ongoing or existing projects. Even if registered, he/she may nevertheless renounce all or part of his/her candidacies provided he/she indicates this in writing to trophees-immobilier-circulaire@upcyclea.combefore November 30, 2022. In this case, he/she will no longer be part of the selection process, nor will he/she be eligible for a trophy, but he/she will still benefit from his/her subscription to myUpcyclea and its functionalities, within the framework of the project(s) he/she has subscribed to, until delivery.

Article 8

To participate in the Circular Real Estate Awards, participants must complete a Materials Table whose format (Excel) will be provided by Upcyclea and that it will complete the list of products and materials used on the project with their quantities, their origins (e.g.: reuse), … and their circular passports (provided by the manufacturers of products and available in the library This table will then be imported into the myUpcyclea software provided and a circular signature can be calculated automatically. In order for the material table to be valid, the project in question must have been the subject of a permit application and at least 40% (by mass) of the products/materials used must be characterized by circular passports.

Applicants will be able to run as many simulations and ring signature calculations as they wish until their final ring signature is delivered.

Article 9

Candidates will be trained by Upcyclea on circular concepts, and on the use of myUpcyclea’s circular signature import and calculation features, during one or more group webinars. They will also be assisted by Upcyclea in the use of the software but in no case in the choice of their products and materials.

Article 10

Applicants must send their final circular signature to

no later than
November 30, 2022
before midnight. They will attach to this email the zipped report automatically generated by myUpcyclea after the calculation of this final signature, and they will indicate in the subject line of the email “Trophées de l’immobilier circulaire – name of project – name of candidate”. They will receive an official certificate of circular signature in return. This certificate will be used to establish the final official ranking.

The selection committee, constituted by the organizers of the challenge, will designate a maximum of 9 winners (1 trophy per category, 1 trophy per theme and 1 trophy for the best circular signature, all categories and themes combined). The selection committee reserves the right to select tied winners. Winners will be contacted individually and receive their trophies at a ceremony in
December 2022
at the Climate Academy.

Article 11

At the time of registration, candidates may apply to one or more of the following categories:
Industry & Tertiary
Hotel & Commercial
, in combination with the following project themes:
New construction

Article 12

Applicants’ certificates will be reviewed by the selection committee after November 30, 2022. The selection committee reserves the right not to award a trophy in one or more categories/themes if the proposed projects are not of sufficient quality. The selection committee also reserves the right to change the category in which a project competes.

Article 13

The winners authorize in advance the organizers of the Awards to publish their names and addresses, and to use them in all promotional events related to the Awards, without this publication giving rise to any compensation.

Article 14

The winners are authorized to communicate about their trophies, as long as the communication and the use made of them do not go beyond the framework of the action for which they were awarded.

Article 15

The organizers reserve the right to modify or cancel these Awards. They cannot be held responsible if some fortuitous event or force majeure imposes any modification whatsoever to the present trophies.

Article 16

The organizers are released from any responsibility in case of technical malfunction of the computer systems used.

Article 17

The information on the candidates, collected by the organizers on the occasion of the trophies, will be the subject of communication to third parties only to satisfy the legal and statutory obligations. They may give rise to the exercise of the right of access under the conditions provided for by Law No. 78 17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law of May 25, 2018, the applicant may, at any time, request the removal of his/her personal data from the Trophies website at the following address:


Article 18

This article defines the concepts applicable to the challenge:

circular signature
is a measure that quantifies the impact of product/material choices and their assemblies on the environmental/circular performance of a building. It is calculated automatically by the myUpcyclea software and includes 4 indicators:

  • The carbon footprint
    which measures the carbon footprint of the production of all products and materials in a building, from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing of the product/material,

  • The health level
    which evaluates the proportion of products free of toxic substances (according to the list of substances banned by Cradle-to-CradleTM),

  • The degree of circularity
    which measures the rate of reuse and the degree of demountability of the building, the share of recycled or biosourced materials, and the potential for reuse/upcycling of building products and materials at the end of their useful life,
  • The economic residual value which calculates the potential savings or income generated through the circular management of the building’s used resources.


  • Material bank” building
    A building that can be easily dismantled, made up of products and materials characterized by circular passports.
  • myUpcyclea Software published by Upcyclea SAS that enables the eco-design of healthy and circular buildings, then the management of building resources during operation in order to facilitate the reuse, upcycling and recycling of used products, and to enable the owner to recover the residual economic value of these products and materials.

  • Circular passport
    An identity card for a product/material that characterizes, in particular, its composition, its period of use, its future uses, its carbon footprint and that allows its traceability. The circular passports are entered by the product manufacturers and are available in the library


  • Materials Table
    Table (Excel) that lists the products and materials used in a project. It details the quantities of products, their locations, their states, their levels of demountability and the circular passports that characterize them.


Article 19


  • The present rules can be downloaded


    in pdf format.

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