Track the evolution of your non-financial indicators, and improve the attractiveness of your assets.

Our platform facilitates the production of your CSRD extra-financial reports, meets the challenges of the European taxonomy, and enables you to manage your ESG and decarbonization strategy.

Keep track of your real estate portfolio.

Produce your financial & non-financial reports faster with the Upcyclea platform.

Follow the evolution of your real estate portfolio, and your ESG Strategy, in 1 click.

Indicateurs CSRD


What is the carbon footprint and how is it measured?

Decoding: European Taxonomy, Sustainable Finance and Decarbonization of Real Estate Assets

Carbon footprint and scope 3: the predominant impact of buildings in the real estate sector

Our platform calculates the embodied carbon of your portfolio, and enables you to decarbonise it.




Our platform is designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Social Landlords.

Private Landlords.

General Contractors.

Join our customers and become part of the solution.

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