Materials Bank” building: A building that can be easily dismantled, made up of circular products and materials and characterized by circular passports, managed in the myUpcyclea digital bank.
Digital Bank: A set of deposits characterized in the digital platform myUpcyclea.
Need (private or public): A demand for materials and/or products characterized by a circular passport, a location, a quantity, a date of receipt.
In myUpcyclea, a need can be declared as private – it is then only visible within the subscriber’s digital bank – or as public – visible to all myUpcyclea subscribers.
Cradle to Cradle: International circular economy standard for products. The products are certified by accredited laboratories such as Upcyclea, and the certificates are issued by the non-profit association C2CPII. See www.C2Ccertified.org.
Ecosystem: A response to a need for reuse or secondary raw material, from a deposit of used resources, via transformation stages allowing to reach the expected quality and format.
Deposit: Materials/products from a building or from a production activity, which are characterized by a circular passport, location, quantity, state of wear and tear, and level of demountability.
Circular passport: The identity card of a product/material which characterizes, in particular, its composition, its period of use, its next uses, its carbon footprint and which allows its traceability. Passports that are not off-the-shelf products are referred to as “generic passports”.
Characterized product: Product with a circular or generic passport.
Circular product: Product certified Cradle to Cradle or whose circular performance noted by Upcyclea has the 5 pictograms. See criteria.
Resource Manager: The Resource Manager manages the used resources of the Owner’s property. Its objective is to recover the economic residual value of products and materials. To do this, he supervises all the data from the renovation sites in myUpcyclea, as well as the proper functioning of the Recovery Ecosystems. It carries out the assessment of the environmental and economic indicators of its activity.