Share your Pre-Demolition Audits and needs with other stakeholders, to maximise reuse.

Join dozens of local authorities, landlords, contractors and manufacturers in the ROMULUS initiative, to share your Pre-Demolion Audits, declare your needs, and receive reuse offers thanks to UPCYCLEA platform’s AI.

The ROMULUS (Reuse of Materials Using Local Unitary Stakeholders) initiative is supported by its founded partners:

What is the ROMULUS initiative?

Maximising reuse.

Federating reuse marketplaces.

Creating regenerative ecosystems.

ROMULUS governance
The 4 Circles

Circle of Founding Members

Circle of Associate Members

Circle of Academic Members

Circle of Standards Bodies

How to join ROMULUS?

What does the ROMULUS programme offer?

Public and private Landlords, Real estate departments, Local authorities.

Subscription to the ROMULUS Programme includes :

Example with Holcim

3 reasons to join ROMULUS:

What does the ROMULUS programme offer?

Architects, General Contractors, Consultants.

Subscription to the ROMULUS  Programme includes :

Example with Domofrance

3 reasons to join ROMULUS:

What does the ROMULUS programme offer?

Product manufacturers.

Subscription to the ROMULUS  Programme includes :

Example with Holcim

3 reasons to join ROMULUS :


What is urban mining and its role in decarbonisation?

The circular economy in 10 questions

Who are the players in the circular economy?

The members of ROMULUS.

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