The UK urban mine of reuse

In partnership with :


Calendar of Romulus training webinars

for the declaration of deposits and needs

3 Romulus training courses
to suit your profile

GLOBAL training Webinars
  • Profiles: Romulus* subscribers (owners, architects, general contractors, Manufacturers)
  • Training on the principles of the circular economy and reuse
  • Training on Romulus principles and process
  • Q/A
* You are a Romulus Subscriber if you have subscribed to one of the Romulus offers
DEPOSITS training webinars
  • Profiles: Romulus Subscribers* and guests** Pirée (owners, reuse consultants, PDA experts) | People involved in PDA inventories
  • Training to Romulus principles
  • Training to digitisation processes for PDA inventories
  • Q/A
* You are a Romulus Subscriber if you have subscribed to one of the Romulus offers
** You are a Romulus Guest if you are sponsored by a Romulus Subscriber, according to the General Terms of Use of myUpcyclea (the software that supports Romulus).

Become a PDA expert Romulus accredited

New! Are you a PDA expert?

Take Romulus DEPOSITS training course, pass your first PDA inventory import into Romulus, and receive a Romulus accreditation number. It’s free and reassuring for owners!

NEEDS training webinars
  • Profiles: Romulus subscribers* and guests** (owners, reuse consultants, general contractors, manufacturers) | People who source reusable products
  • Training to Romulus principles
  • Training to the process of identification and declaration of needs for reuse or secondary raw materials
  • Demonstrating the use of the platform and practical exercises
  • Q/A
* You are a Romulus Subscriber if you have subscribed to one of the Romulus offers
** You are a Romulus Guest if you are sponsored by a Romulus Subscriber, according to the General Terms of Use of myUpcyclea (the software that supports Romulus)

Request access to recordings of previous training sessions, by writing here.

Register below for the
webinar of your choice (free)

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