Planer & Municipality
Deploy a resilient and positive development model,
and become a post-carbon territory
Industrialize the circular economy on your territory
Design operations with positive impacts on health and the environment
Support real estate projects to transform them into low-carbon and circular “material bank” buildings, thanks to the ECO-CONCEPTION formula of myUpcyclea®.
Decarbonize your buildings and be "Net Zero Emissions" before 2050
Measure the carbon footprint of your sites, and reduce it by managing your buildings in a circular economy, thanks to the DECARBONIZATION formula of myUpcyclea®.
Deploy a comprehensive circular development strategy
Rely on an AMO Aménagement Circulaire in the framework of your urban projects, for a development compatible with a reasoned management of resources and a reduction of the carbon footprint
To be completed."
Jean-François LAMY
In-situ, Ex-situ: all reuse in one place
In addition to allowing the import of resources diagnosis and automatically establishing the correspondence between local needs and in-situ deposits, myUpcyclea® offers the Noah® search engine that centralizes the deposits of ex-situ reusable products, proposed by Upcyclea’s partner marketplaces and recycling centers
You will be able to consult the availability and the nature of thousands of products resulting from deposit, reconditioning or destocking to maximize and measure the reuse between all the projects of the territory
Require the Circular Signature® of buildings in your specifications
Thanks to the Upcyclea Library and the Circular Signature® automatically calculated by myUpcyclea®, you will know the exact composition of buildings in your territory, as well as their environmental performance. 0-waste, clean indoor air and low-carbon become concrete!
Real estate operations will now have a positive impact on the environment and health, and will be a source of value creation for the territory
Control the carbon footprint of your real estate operations with Circular Passports®
With the Upcyclea Library of Circular Passports® (free access) rated by our experts, your operators compare and choose the best products for buildings
You know the exact composition of urban projects, and you can calculate their global impacts (Embodied Carbon, RE2020/ICconstruction, reuse rate, …) thanks to the Circular Signature®.
Have the best experts and the best system to deploy a circular planning on your territory
You wish to :
- Define the circular development strategy for your urban projects and record it in a development plan that can be enforced against operators?
- Supervise the action of the operators so that they correctly apply the guide plan?
- Manage the digital platform of used resources of urban projects in order to help stakeholders maximize reuse and measure its impacts?