Our myUpcyclea subscriptions
There is an offer for all the actors of the building.
Discover yours, and join the Upcyclea community!
This subscription allows you to discover myUpcyclea for free, and to access hundreds of thousands of useful data for the reuse and low-carbon and circular eco-design of your buildings.
FREEMIUM subscription
Free opening of a dedicated myUpcyclea space, including :
- Free access to the Upcyclea bookstore with its 10,000 circular passports
- Free access to the Noah portal with its hundreds of thousands of reusable products
- Free access to a demonstration site to test the functions of myUpcyclea
- Video tutorials
- Subscriptions to the following digital material banks are available digital material banks for buildings in your building stock
The offer includes a dedicated myUpcyclea Space and includes :
- Intelligent functions for automatic correspondence between deposits and reuse needs
- Intelligent functions for creation, negotiation and traceability of reuse and upcycling/recycling ecosystems
- Functions for automatic calculation of economic and environmental indicators of the generated ecosystems
- A Resource Manager to steer the decarbonization strategy
This subscription allows you to maximize reuse by digitizing your resource/EMP diagnostics, consulting hundreds of thousands of reusable products ex situ, and establishing automatic matches between needs and deposits via reuse or upcycling ecosystems.
This subscription allows the eco-design of a circular building, and the delivery of the digital bank of products and materials to the owner, for a circular management of used products (subscription Decarbonation).
ECO-CONCEPTION subscription
The offer includes a myUpcyclea space and includes :
- Access to a library of 10 000 circular passportsof new and used products, describing their health, reuse and carbon performance
- Import function for material tablesand resource/EMPD diagnostics
- Calculation function of Circular Signature (carbon footprints, reuse rate, health and circularity index, residual economic value, …)
- Digital Materials Banksof managed buildings, which list new and reused products/materials implemented
- Free grading of circular passportsadded to the project
- A Resource Manager to steer the decarbonization strategy
The platform is also available as a dry subscription
The subscription includes a myUpcyclea space space, and includes :
- Access to all the functions of the subscription RE-EMPLOYMENT
- Access to all the functions of the subscription ECO-DESIGN
- A Resource Manager to steer the decarbonization strategy
The platform is also available as a dry subscription
This subscription allows to eco-design a circular building, and to deliver the digital bank of products and materials that constitute it to the owner, for a circular management of used products (resource management).
This subscription gives access to all the functions of the formula DECARBONATIONformula, as well as to a Circular Economy consulting support offered by Upcyclea or its partners, to eco-design circular buildings.
DECARBONATION+ subscription
The offer includes a myUpcyclea space and includes :
- Access to all the functions of the subscription RE-EMPLOYMENT
- Access to all the functions of the subscription ECO-DESIGN
- Support for the Circular Economy on all new or renovated buildings, within the framework of a minimum 3-year contract