Circular Economy Assistance

Intelligent resource management in the circular economy

The Resource Manager's mission

Circular economy, reuse or carbon neutrality are all part of your strategy, but you’re not sure how to go about it?

Upcyclea offers Resource Management support to industrialize your circular economy process.

This offer allows you to

1) Characterize the products in your portfolio

2) Produce your decarbonization roadmap

3) Maximizing re-use

4) Eco-design of healthy, circular “material bank” buildings

5) Manage your existing buildings in a circular economy, while producing your ESG/CSRD indicators.

A dedicated platform to model your assets and calculate their "scope 3" carbon footprint

The Resource Manager’s mission is supported by myUpcyclea software, which allows you to characterize your real estate assets in the form of Digital Material Banks®and calculate its Circular Signature® .. This signature makes it possible, in particular, to calculate your “scope 3” carbon footprint, based on the products that make up your business, and to produce your decarbonization roadmap, according to several energy-efficiency and major renovation scenarios.

Data libraries and AI at your service

Upcyclea provides you with tens of thousands of data :

  • Nearly 10,000 Circular Passports® to to characterize the environmental performance of your products,
  • More than 1,500 partner processors to transport, store, repair, etc. your used resources
  • Thousands of reusable products from marketplaces or from lessors partners

All this data is used by the myUpcyclea®AI to automatically suggest matches between deposits and reuse needs to the Resource Manager, and to calculate the Resource Inflow indicators for the European Taxonomy extra-financial report.

Measurable and verifiable actions

The European Taxonomy (applicable from 2025 based on 2024 data) and the associated CSRD extra-financial report require the production of ESG indicators that can be audited.

These indicators reflect the carbon footprints (scope 1/2/3) and non-toxicity of buildings, the preservation of water and biodiversity, as well as resource inflow and outflow tonnages, with their destinations (% recycled, % reused, etc.).

Resource Manager will use the functions for creating and managing value-added ecosystems to automatically produce all these indicators.

Easily add value to your used resources

myUpcyclea®, the Circular Resource Management System, maximizes the reuse and/or recycling of your used resources.

The system is presented as a digital assistant to help you manage your used resources within ecosystems suggested by artificial intelligence.

Access at a glance the data of your assets and local actors

Once you’ve imported your asset data into your Digital Materials Bank, you can access all your deposits at a glance, as well as thousands of locally available needs and transformations to build value-added ecosystems.

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